Friday, May 1, 2009

Beltaine Blessings

I hope everyone has an enchanting Beltaine....

Beltaine is a time of fertility..... and a celebration of new life.... the Mother's body is warm and fertile and ready to accept the seeds of her young suitor. This was a very important time for our ancestors.... the Beltaine rites assured them that their crops would grow in abundance and they would have food for their families. They didn't have the luxury of going to a grocery store as we do today. If their crops didn't grow and their animals didn't reproduce their families would starve. They knew how important Mother Earth was to them.... they celebrated her and they celebrated the seasons... and the growing Sun. They knew that without Her.... and without Him there would be no life.... all would die... for it takes both energies.... Female and Male to reproduce... to bring new life.

The Earth is warm.... the ground is fertile.... and it's time to plant our own seeds. The warmth of the sun will bring them to life and ensure that they grow. The Earth will nourish them with her body.... feed them her nutrients.... just as a mother nourishes the child within her womb. And thus continues the cycle of life....

So celebrate this wonderful time of fertility... plant a seed... plant a tree... nourish a child with warmth and love. Start a new project to bring abundance into your life....

And remember that without our Mother Earth and Father Sun there would be no life.... celebrate them and honor them...

Beltaine Blessings To You All...

~A Lil Enchanted~

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